
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Study visit number
Visit 1 Visit 2 Visit 3 Visit 4 Visit 5 Incident Outcomes Tracking
Total 1,123 758 566 121 2 -
Completely satisfied 222 167 130 35 - -
Mostly satisfied 683 477 364 73 2 -
Moderately satisfied 177 97 62 11 - -
Not very satisfied 41 17 10 2 - -
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - - - - -
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Sex of the participant
Visit 1
Male Female Total
Total 608 515 1,123
Completely satisfied 130 92 222
Mostly satisfied 367 316 683
Moderately satisfied 90 87 177
Not very satisfied 21 20 41
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - -
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Sex of the participant
Visit 2
Male Female Total
Total 406 352 758
Completely satisfied 91 76 167
Mostly satisfied 254 223 477
Moderately satisfied 55 42 97
Not very satisfied 6 11 17
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - -
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Sex of the participant
Visit 3
Male Female Total
Total 304 262 566
Completely satisfied 73 57 130
Mostly satisfied 189 175 364
Moderately satisfied 35 27 62
Not very satisfied 7 3 10
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - -
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Sex of the participant
Visit 4
Male Female Total
Total 67 54 121
Completely satisfied 20 15 35
Mostly satisfied 42 31 73
Moderately satisfied 5 6 11
Not very satisfied - 2 2
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - -
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Sex of the participant
Visit 5
Male Female Total
Total - 2 2
Completely satisfied - - -
Mostly satisfied - 2 2
Moderately satisfied - - -
Not very satisfied - - -
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - -
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Race of the participant
Visit 1
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 12 23 13 10 1,065 1,123
Completely satisfied 1 5 2 5 209 222
Mostly satisfied 9 13 9 3 649 683
Moderately satisfied 2 4 2 2 167 177
Not very satisfied - 1 - - 40 41
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - - - - -
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Race of the participant
Visit 2
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 4 8 6 6 734 758
Completely satisfied 1 3 1 2 160 167
Mostly satisfied 2 3 2 2 468 477
Moderately satisfied 1 2 3 2 89 97
Not very satisfied - - - - 17 17
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - - - - -
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Race of the participant
Visit 3
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 4 4 5 4 549 566
Completely satisfied - - - 2 128 130
Mostly satisfied 4 4 4 2 350 364
Moderately satisfied - - 1 - 61 62
Not very satisfied - - - - 10 10
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - - - - -
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Race of the participant
Visit 4
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 3 1 2 2 113 121
Completely satisfied - - - 1 34 35
Mostly satisfied 3 1 1 1 67 73
Moderately satisfied - - 1 - 10 11
Not very satisfied - - - - 2 2
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - - - - -
Self-reported satisfaction with life vs Race of the participant
Visit 5
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total - - - - 2 2
Completely satisfied - - - - - -
Mostly satisfied - - - - 2 2
Moderately satisfied - - - - - -
Not very satisfied - - - - - -
Unknown (Check With Wsc) - - - - - -