
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Study visit number
Visit 1 Visit 2 Visit 3 Visit 4 Visit 5 Incident Outcomes Tracking
Total 1,123 758 566 121 2 -
None or a little of the time 58 34 22 9 - -
Some of the time 265 156 136 29 - -
A good part of the time 301 219 148 38 - -
Most or all of the time 494 348 258 45 2 -
Unknown 5 1 2 - - -
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Sex of the participant
Visit 1
Male Female Total
Total 608 515 1,123
None or a little of the time 14 44 58
Some of the time 125 140 265
A good part of the time 166 135 301
Most or all of the time 300 194 494
Unknown 3 2 5
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Sex of the participant
Visit 2
Male Female Total
Total 406 352 758
None or a little of the time 14 20 34
Some of the time 73 83 156
A good part of the time 121 98 219
Most or all of the time 198 150 348
Unknown - 1 1
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Sex of the participant
Visit 3
Male Female Total
Total 304 262 566
None or a little of the time 7 15 22
Some of the time 67 69 136
A good part of the time 84 64 148
Most or all of the time 144 114 258
Unknown 2 - 2
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Sex of the participant
Visit 4
Male Female Total
Total 67 54 121
None or a little of the time 2 7 9
Some of the time 13 16 29
A good part of the time 26 12 38
Most or all of the time 26 19 45
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Sex of the participant
Visit 5
Male Female Total
Total - 2 2
None or a little of the time - - -
Some of the time - - -
A good part of the time - - -
Most or all of the time - 2 2
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Race of the participant
Visit 1
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 12 23 13 10 1,065 1,123
None or a little of the time - 2 1 1 54 58
Some of the time 5 5 3 4 248 265
A good part of the time 5 10 3 2 281 301
Most or all of the time 2 5 6 3 478 494
Unknown - 1 - - 4 5
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Race of the participant
Visit 2
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 4 8 6 6 734 758
None or a little of the time - - - - 34 34
Some of the time 1 1 1 3 150 156
A good part of the time 1 1 2 2 213 219
Most or all of the time 2 6 3 1 336 348
Unknown - - - - 1 1
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Race of the participant
Visit 3
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 4 4 5 4 549 566
None or a little of the time - - 1 1 20 22
Some of the time - - 1 1 134 136
A good part of the time 1 1 2 - 144 148
Most or all of the time 3 3 1 2 249 258
Unknown - - - - 2 2
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Race of the participant
Visit 4
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 3 1 2 2 113 121
None or a little of the time - - - - 9 9
Some of the time - - 2 - 27 29
A good part of the time 3 1 - 2 32 38
Most or all of the time - - - - 45 45
Zung Depression Scale Item: I enjoy looking at, talking to and being with attractive women/men. vs Race of the participant
Visit 5
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total - - - - 2 2
None or a little of the time - - - - - -
Some of the time - - - - - -
A good part of the time - - - - - -
Most or all of the time - - - - 2 2