
Smoking, current vs Study visit number
Visit 1 Visit 2 Visit 3 Visit 4 Visit 5 Incident Outcomes Tracking
Total 1,123 758 566 121 2 -
No 457 321 257 53 2 -
Yes 118 61 36 6 - -
Unknown 548 376 273 62 - -
Smoking, current vs Sex of the participant
Visit 1
Male Female Total
Total 608 515 1,123
No 265 192 457
Yes 70 48 118
Unknown 273 275 548
Smoking, current vs Sex of the participant
Visit 2
Male Female Total
Total 406 352 758
No 185 136 321
Yes 33 28 61
Unknown 188 188 376
Smoking, current vs Sex of the participant
Visit 3
Male Female Total
Total 304 262 566
No 147 110 257
Yes 20 16 36
Unknown 137 136 273
Smoking, current vs Sex of the participant
Visit 4
Male Female Total
Total 67 54 121
No 28 25 53
Yes 4 2 6
Unknown 35 27 62
Smoking, current vs Sex of the participant
Visit 5
Male Female Total
Total - 2 2
No - 2 2
Yes - - -
Smoking, current vs Race of the participant
Visit 1
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 12 23 13 10 1,065 1,123
No 3 8 5 5 436 457
Yes - - 1 - 117 118
Unknown 9 15 7 5 512 548
Smoking, current vs Race of the participant
Visit 2
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 4 8 6 6 734 758
No 1 4 2 3 311 321
Yes - - - - 61 61
Unknown 3 4 4 3 362 376
Smoking, current vs Race of the participant
Visit 3
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 4 4 5 4 549 566
No 1 1 2 2 251 257
Yes - - - - 36 36
Unknown 3 3 3 2 262 273
Smoking, current vs Race of the participant
Visit 4
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total 3 1 2 2 113 121
No - 1 1 2 49 53
Yes - - - - 6 6
Unknown 3 - 1 - 58 62
Smoking, current vs Race of the participant
Visit 5
Asian Black Hispanic Native American White Total
Total - - - - 2 2
No - - - - 2 2
Yes - - - - - -