Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: Physical health caused you to accomplish less than you would like

Item from the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36 (SF-36). Ware JE and Sherbourne CD, 1992 (PubMed ID: 1593914)

Original question: During the past 4 weeks, have you had this problem with work or other regular daily activities because of physical health: Accomplished less than you would like

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  • 0: No
  • 1: Yes
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: Physical health caused you to accomplish less than you would like vs Sleep Heart Health Study (SHHS) Visit Number
Visit 1 Interim Follow-up Visit Visit 2 CVD Outcomes
Total 5,804 - - -
No 3,849 - - -
Yes 1,515 - - -
Unknown 440 - - -
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: Physical health caused you to accomplish less than you would like vs Age at Sleep Heart Health Study Visit One (SHHS1)
Visit 1
35-44 years 45-54 years 55-64 years 65-74 years 75-84 years 85 years or older Total
Total 342 1,017 1,769 1,617 955 104 5,804
No 266 763 1,208 1,053 508 51 3,849
Yes 58 172 353 455 426 51 1,515
Unknown 18 82 208 109 21 2 440
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: Physical health caused you to accomplish less than you would like vs Gender of the participant
Visit 1
Male Female Total
Total 2,765 3,039 5,804
No 1,931 1,918 3,849
Yes 623 892 1,515
Unknown 211 229 440
Medical Outcomes Study SF-36: Physical health caused you to accomplish less than you would like vs Race of the participant
Visit 1
White Black Other Total
Total 4,907 515 382 5,804
No 3,262 311 276 3,849
Yes 1,251 180 84 1,515
Unknown 394 24 22 440